Half a billion dollars for more politicians

James Stevens MP
August 22, 2024

Independent costings from the Parliamentary Budget Office have revealed that the Albanese Government’s plans for more politicians in Canberra will cost more than $500 million dollars.

The Labor-controlled Electoral Matters Committee recommended in their recent report that they inquire into increasing the number of MPs and Senators. This was prompted by Minister Don Farrell’s request that the committee look at ‘proportional representation of the states and territories in the Parliament, in the context of the democratic principle of 'one vote, one value,’ which ensured more politicians were recommended.

40 more Senators and MPs would be created to achieve the ‘one vote, one value’ objective as well as Labor’s desire to increase the number of Territory Senators.

“While Australian families are making tough decisions about their household budget, Anthony Albanese wants to spend half a billion dollars on more politicians,” Government Waste spokesman James Stevens said.

“It is particularly perverse and insulting as Australian families are struggling with higher mortgages, rents, utility costs and grocery bills that this Labor Government wants to spend their tax dollars like this.

“There is no shortage of politicians as it is, and certainly no need for half a billion dollars to be spent on more of them.”

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